Each and every active domain name is registered on the name of an individual and through the registration procedure many details are submitted - the owner’s names, address, e-mail, contact number, and so on. This info in addition to the registrar company name and the registration/expiration dates is addressed as WHOIS of the Internet domain and in agreement with the policies of Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) it ought to be current and correct. If a domain has wrong WHOIS details, it could be reported and if the details aren't corrected, the domain name can be deleted or the registrar company could take over its ownership. By default, the WHOIS info is public and may be seen on a lot of lookup sites, or for a small number of country-code extensions - on the Internet sites of the respective Registry businesses. All companies that provide registration services are obligated to provide an effective way for their customers to access and change the WHOIS information of any domain they own as much as the specific TLD allows it.
Full WHOIS Management in Semi-dedicated Hosting
Managing the WHOIS info of each domain you register or transfer to our company is going to be really easy if you have a semi-dedicated server. Both the domains as well as the hosting space for them are managed together through our Hepsia Control Panel, so you will not have to switch between different systems. You can see the current details for any domain with one mouse click and editing something takes just two more mouse clicks. With Hepsia you can even select multiple domains and change their WHOIS information at the same time, so if you have many domain names, you won't have to click and type endlessly - the update for 25 domains takes as little effort and time as the update of 1. In case you own a domain name whose details can't be updated automatically but the TLD supports such a change, we will help you with the task until the updated information shows up on public WHOIS lookup Internet sites.