Improving your websites can be challenging as you will need to enhance your back–end code very much in order to make your webpages work much faster. However, there are ways to better your website’s efficiency, without having to alter anything at all in the background. By making usage of the Web Site Accelerator Tools, incorporated into the Site Control Panel, you can help your sites come up and perform better than ever. This is not going to simply benefit your end users (everyone enjoys the site they are going to to load quickly), but also will help your site climb higher in major search engines.

Making use of the Web Site Accelerator Tools is actually very easy. Just simply sign into the Site Control Panel and check out precisely how each of them functions.


RAM–storing as a substitute for data base requests

If you have a fast paced database–driven website or web application, it could have issues loading fast for the website visitors as a result of the multiple calls delivered to the data base. To aid you address the web page loading problem, we have provided the Memcached system within the Site Control Panel.

Memcached is really a robust distributed memory caching system, which saves information and objects in the server’s RAM to prevent the database from being queried whenever a visitor loads a certain web page. By doing this, your website pages are going to load faster for customers and definately will improve the opportunity for them to come back.

Hepsia File Manager


RAM–saving as an alternative to HTTP requests

For those of you who have content–loaded dynamic websites with lot’s of graphics and also videos, you will unquestionably have to ensure that your pages stream really fast for the site visitors. An excellent instrument you need to use is the Varnish HTTP acceleration application that will help you boost your websites without requesting you to possess any special technical knowledge.

Varnish saves all queries towards the web server within the server’s RAM and ships the webpages easily to the website visitor by preventing brand–new calls to the hosting server. By doing this, all pages on your site are going to be opened 300 – 1000x times faster for your visitors. You can even decide if the inbound queries will be taken care of by Varnish, or by the hosting server, etc.

Hepsia File Manager


A simple way to build up flexible web applications

If you need to create an application, you need to have the instruments you’ll need available at once, without having to seek out, assemble and have them installed. The Site Control Panel can help you save equally well time and energy, by giving you the equipment you need right where you need it.

The Node.js program permits designers, no matter if they’re pros or otherwise, to set up scalable network programs and sites. It’s in line with the Google V8 JavaScript engine as well as the libUV. Node.js makes use of an event–driven, non–blocking I/O pattern that makes it compact and effective, suitable for data–intensive live web apps running across distributed devices.

Hepsia File Manager