Unlike some years back when Internet sites were almost exclusively static, the standard today is to have a feature-rich, dynamic website. Few people can create this kind of site from scratch though, so the handiest solution to have a dynamic site is to use a script app. Lots of web hosting providers offer script installers that can be used to add this sort of an app for any of your domain name or subdomains, so you will not need to add anything manually. The main benefit of using an installer tool is that the scripts are available to use within a couple of minutes and the copy that will be set up is already with the settings needed for it to run efficiently on the particular hosting server, so you will not have to modify any script or account settings. That way you can effortlessly create one with simply a few mouse clicks even when you have never had an Internet site before.
1-click Applications Installer in Semi-dedicated Hosting
If you purchase a semi-dedicated server account from our company, you'll be able to use our 1-click script installer, that'll be available in your hosting Control Panel. With only a couple of mouse clicks you will be able to create any sort of site - an on-line shop, a discussion board, a social network or a personal blog. We have over 50 script apps like Joomla, Moodle and WordPress, and some of them feature a great number of web themes which you can use. The installer is really user-friendly and uncomplicated - select a script and a domain, choose the administrator login details that you want to have for the script back office and click on the Install button. A few minutes later you'll be able to log in to the back office and begin building your website. All scripts and the themes for them are provided 100 % free.