A catch-all mailbox receives messages sent to inactive addresses under the same domain name. For instance, a message sent to the misspelled suport@domain.com will be delivered to support@domain.com if the catch-all feature has been activated for the latter. In this way, you can receive email messages from pals or customers who may have sent a message to your email address with a spelling error or to an out-of-date one, which they may still have, but you have already disabled. Only one single mailbox per domain can be a catch-all one and email forwarding cannot be set up for such a mailbox. The latter is due to the fact that at a certain moment you may start receiving spam messages in the catch-all mailbox and the forwarding restriction means that the spam will not be redirected to a 3rd-party mailbox.
Catch-all Emails in Semi-dedicated Hosting
A catch-all email address can be set up with a few clicks if you have a Linux semi-dedicated hosting with us. The semi-dedicated account will be administered through our custom-created Hepsia Control Panel and you’ll be able to create mailboxes under any domain registered there. To enable the catch-all option for a particular mailbox, you’ll have to click on the symbol with the exact same name, which will be on the right-hand side of each email address. Deactivating the feature can be done in the exact same manner and will not take more than one click either. In case a catch-all mailbox has already been enabled for a given domain, you’ll receive a warning. The same goes if the mailbox that you would like to be a catch-all one has email forwarding activated, as our system will never deactivate or change any feature automatically.